What I've Done to Practice Mindfulness During the Pandemic

What I've Done to Practice Mindfulness During the Pandemic

A little over a month ago, my wife and I welcomed in our new baby girl Genevieve Jae into the world. She brought with her all the sweet, fun, crazy, stressful and sleepless nights that come with having a newborn – only she was born during the chaos of a global pandemic and the self-isolation that ensued!

We've been very diligent about isolating our family from the world to protect everybody, especially our newborn, but we all now know that this kind of isolation can be tough on anyone as it drags on over the course of weeks and months. I wanted to share a few of the things that I've been doing to practice mindfulness and make the best of this challenging situation.

Keep Things in Perspective

It's important to remember that this is only going to continue for a finite amount of time and then things will get back to normal. We’ve got this!

Have an Attitude of Gratitude

This really helps to keep your mind in a healthy place. For me, it’s my girls – daughters Georgia who is 5, our newborn Genevieve, and my wife Jerika. Oh, and I can’t leave out my dog Lucky!

Find the things you are grateful for and turn to them when you’re struggling. Count your blessings!

Stick to a Routine

Don’t just lounge around in sweats all day, everyday. Make the effort to get ready, even if it feels unnecessary. My routine has been wake up, work out with Georgia, make breakfast with the family, then work time mixed with things I like to break up the day with, then family time.

Take it Slow

Focusing on the now will help you not get overwhelmed wondering how long we will have to endure this isolation. You can focus on tomorrow when tomorrow comes, but for now work on being in the present.

Make time for Self-Care Daily

For me this has been playing with my family and working out. I am grateful to have my TB12 bands and a great space at home to train.

Working out has always done a lot for me physically and mentally. As a family we have been getting out on lots of walks, hikes and playing games which has been fun too!

Look to Serve Others

I know this can be hard to do being in isolation, but helping others puts someone else's needs in front of ours and can be very rewarding. It also makes our own problems seem to dissipate.

Put these principles into practice and you’ll find that you can get through this with a healthy mindset and maybe even enjoy it a little! Stay safe and healthy, and don't hesitate to reach out to us if you ever have questions.