5 Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine

5 Habits To Add To Your Morning Routine

Creating a healthy morning routine improves mood, boosts productivity, reduces stress, and sets a good tone for the rest of the day. Getting in the right mindset doesn’t take long and will help you reach your goals and maintain a healthier mental fitness. Instead of reaching for your phone as soon as you wake up, try adding in these 5 tips to start your day right!


The first daily habit you should do every morning when you wake up is drink a glass of water—even better if you add in electrolytes. You spent 8 hours asleep—you’re probably dehydrated in the morning! When you’re dehydrated your metabolism slows down, your brain has less fuel to function, and you can feel cranky or irritable. So it’s important to give your body and your brain what they need to start your day off right. Studies also show a connection between hydration and sleep—if you are dehydrated it will negatively impact your sleep, and bad quality sleep can adversely affect your hydration—so start your day off right and keep hydrating throughout your day. To figure out how much water you should be aiming for, divide your body weight (in pounds) by two, then drink that number of ounces of water each day (at a minimum).


Mornings can be hectic—most of us don’t have time to spend an hour in meditation. That doesn’t mean we can’t reap some of the benefits of meditation. Make it one of your daily habits to take a few minutes to meditate. One option is sitting quietly, closing your eyes, and taking deep breaths. Inhale slowly and then exhale slowly. This will help you reduce stress, lengthen your attention span, and start your day with a clear, calm mind. Sitting still isn’t for everyone and there are many ways to take some time to unwind and get in a good headspace for the day. Another option is writing down a list of what you are grateful for. Gratitude lists are shown to improve your mental health by shifting perspective and reducing stress. Finally, simple goal setting and taking some time to plan out your day can help you align your focus so you can be ready to tackle the day.


When we sleep, our muscles are inactive for a long period. This decreases our blood flow and supplies less oxygen to our muscle tissues, leaving us more susceptible to injury. Rolling out with a TB12™ Vibrating Pliability Roller, Sphere, or Mini Sphere for a few minutes in the morning will help wake up your muscles, increasing the blood flow and oxygen to your muscles — keeping them ready for whatever your day throws your way.


Even just adding 5-10 minutes of movement to your morning routine can help you let go of stress, focus your mind, and maintain momentum. Anything like jumping jacks, jump rope, or running in place are great ways to get your heart rate up. The Double Leg Glute Bridge is the perfect resistance band exercise to improve functional core strength before starting your day.


To get all the nutrients you need to fuel your body throughout your day, you want to keep two things in mind—plants and protein. Make yourself a smoothie filled with some healthy greens, like spinach and avocado, and add in a scoop of TB12™ Protein to help you power through your morning. A healthy smoothie is a perfect breakfast for those who need to fuel their body while on-the-go.

Check out some of our favorite smoothie recipes under the "Recipes" tab of our blog!

As you make these quick morning habits part of a regular morning routine, you’ll quickly begin to see the health benefits, physically and mentally.