How to Spot — and Stop — Dehydration this Summer

How to Spot — and Stop — Dehydration this Summer

As temperatures rise, so does your risk of dehydration. Being dehydrated compromises blood flow to the skin and your muscles, which is critical to your body's natural cooling mechanism. The interru...
Beat the Heat Through Hydration

Beat the Heat Through Hydration

DEHYDRATION can become a serious problem when the temperatures rise, especially with a large number of American's already experiencing chronic dehydration. Warm summer temperatures can cause activ...
Two people sit on a hillside with water bottles.

What Do Electrolytes Do? Everything You Need To Know

Recovering with electrolytes is an easy way to replenish lost nutrients and keep your body fueled for an active lifestyle.
Hydration Tips: How To Drink More Water

Hydration Tips: How To Drink More Water

STAYING HYDRATED is the key to staying healthy. Here at TB12™, we certainly agree with that. In fact, we believe in consuming at least one-half your body weight in ounces of water a day. Still, wi...
4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Hydration

4 Easy Ways to Improve Your Hydration

Staying hydrated is one of the simplest things you can do to keep yourself healthy. Here are four essential tips to maximize hydration.
Why Electrolytes are Essential for Recovery

Why Electrolytes are Essential for Recovery

When you exert energy, your body loses nutrients. In order to recover strong and fast, you need fuel in the form of electrolytes.